Morpheus 8 – Face & Body

Bellissimo Clinic offers the latest, innovative, FDA approved skin tightening treatment Morpheus8. The powerful Subdermal Fractional micro-needling Radio Frequency (RF) technology, penetrating deep into the skin and fat with 24 coated pins , as a result achieves return the clock of ageing and the skin becomes smooth with a contour appearance.

The Morpheus 8 microneedles can go deeper than any RF microneedling device on the market today. It has been FDA approved as a treatment to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, improve skin tone and texture, and tighten areas of skin laxity on the face.

Morpheus8 most commonly treated areas include the lower face and neck. Areas of the face and body that exhibit wrinkles, discoloration, laxity, stretch marks or acne scarring are suitable for treatment. Depending on your Morpheus 8 treatment regime you can expect to have between 1-3 sessions.




60 mins




24-48 hours


1-2 years

Laser Co2 Skin Resurfacing

Laser Co2 Skin Resurfacing is an innovative procedure whose goal is to improve and restore the texture and appearance of the skin with the help of a laser. Laser peeling is suitable for fine wrinkles, and uneven complexion, to remove the top layer of skin, making it visibly restored and radiant.

It should be noted that both surface peeling and deep resurfacing can be performed with an ablative CO2 laser.

Using DEKA technology, your doctor can provide you with the perfect ablative and invasive dermatological treatment solution, always performed entirely safely and with minimal recovery time and side effects.

Recommended Age



60 mins




10 days

Our Results

We promise the best results possible

Genital Warts (Condylomas) Removal

Warts are benign viral papillomas, characterized by the growth of layers of skin with an uneven and rough surface.

They affect both sexes, at any age and are widespread throughout the world. They are caused by human papillomaviruses (HPV) type 1-4, 26-29, 38, 41 and others.

Clinically, they can be single or multiple, and can be located in different parts of the body:

  • on hands, palms, feet (chicken thorn)
  • under the nail plate
  • face, eyelids
  • on the neck
  • on the mucous membrane of the mouth and the back of the tongue

Laser treatment of flat warts:

They are caused by HPV type 3. They are more common in adolescents and children, spread quickly to the face, neck and limbs. They are flat, round or oval in shape, slightly raised, with a smooth surface. Their color is pale brown, pale pink or yellowish. Rarely, self-healing may occur after months or years, and more often their number increases progressively.

Laser removal of acute warts (Condylomata acuminate)

They are an infection most often caused by HPV types 6 and 11, less commonly 16, 18, 42, occurring mainly in adulthood, on the genital mucosa and sometimes in the area of ​​the oral mucosa. Predisposing factors are inflammatory processes in the genital area, sexual intercourse and others.

Laser wart removal is a newer but proven method of treatment and its advantages are:

  • the procedure is painless, as it is performed after local anesthesia
  • the integrity of the skin is restored quickly
  • after the procedure no special care and sanitary measures are required, which allows us to immediately return to our normal daily life
  • achieving a faster final result
  • fewer doctor visits
  • the method is gentle and leaves no scars
  • can be done all year round

Earlobe Repair

The earlobe is the lower, fleshy part of the ear that is sometimes pierced. The area consists of a delicate piece of skin that is made up of fat and skin.

We can manage:

  • Split earlobes
  • Elongated earlobes
  • Stretched earlobes
  • Reduction of earlobe size

A split earlobe is more likely to occur for those that wear heavy earrings constantly.

Elongation of the hole or complete splitting of the earlobe can occur either over time through the thin wire of an earring being pulled by the weight of an earring or through trauma such as the jewellery being yanked or snagged suddenly. Big holes in the earlobe from big plug earrings that stretch the hole intentionally can also be repaired.We also complete ear lobe reduction procedures to re-shape and re-size the fleshy lobe part of the ear.




15-30 mins







Our Results

We promise the best results possible


Vaser® Lipo: 6-pack in two hours without any scarring

Liposuction is a surgery that started with the purpose of removing fat deposits under the skin. Eventually, the advancement of cosmetic surgery has expanded and is now known also as liposculpture. It is everybody’s dream to have a great-looking body with six packs. Now, by using the latest liposuction Vaser® method, the unwanted fat can be removed but also a well-sculpted body is created quickly and safely for the patient.


During Vaser® liposuction, when in surgery, the patient is put under general anaesthesia which is done through two extremely small incisions. Then, with the help of Vaser® ultrasound probes which are inserted into the skin through small incisions, fatty tissue is broken up. Finally, the fatty tissue starts to break apart by using a cannula which helps carry out this procedure and in this way, the muscle tone underneath the body is revealed. This procedure takes approximately two hours always depending on the quantity of fat that needs to be removed. Another benefit of the Vaser® 4D Lipo is lipotransfer. In other words, fat is taken from one part of the body and moved to another in order to add volume and create curves.

Targeted areas for treatment

Vaser® liposuction can be done on the stomach area (6-pack abs creation), arms, chest (gynecomastia), waist, hips and thighs, buttocks and back. After this, the shape of the body is permanently transformed and improved. It is important to stress that this particular method does not apply to very overweight or obese people.


The transformation is noticeable after the first day of the surgery and the incisions that had to be made are not so obvious because they are very small and are gone a few months after the procedure. 30 days after the surgery, the patient can appreciate the final result, while the swelling is gradually fading.

Why choose the Vaser® Lipo?
Vaser® Lipo has numerous benefits compared to traditional liposuction:

  • Less invasive cosmetic surgery without leaving any scars
  • Faster recovery time
  • No tissue injury
  • Minimal swelling
  • Tight body shape
  • Improved capability of collecting fat (for later infusion in another part of the body)

Our Results

We promise the best results possible

FaceTite & NeckTite

Bellissimo Clinic offers Face-NeckTite™, the most advanced surgical facial contouring and skin tightening treatment. You will be treated by our well respected and highly experienced Plastic Surgeon, Dr.Jack Antoniou. The FaceTite™ treatment provides dramatic improvement in skin laxity and sagging on face and neck with usually only one treatment needed.

Areas can be treated effectively with FaceTite™:

  • Double Chin
  • Jawline contouring
  • Re-contouring the face and neck by removing excess fat
  • Tightening the neck skin for neck wrinkles and turkey neck
  • Improving fine lines and wrinkles

The FaceTite™ treatment is done under local anesthetic for patient comfort, is minimally invasive and takes about an hour

.A very fine cannula is inserted under the skin using the power of Bipolar radio frequency energy, this energy is used to heat underneath the skin and into the fatty tissue. Here the temperature is monitored by your doctor so you can achieve tighter, younger skin.

FaceTite™ results are similar to face or neck lift surgery, but without the need for major surgeries or scars to deal with. Results can be seen immediately, with best results noticeable at 6 months and  the results last similar to surgery which is up to 10 years.

Following the FaceTite™ procedure the skin itself can easily be treated while still numb from the anaesthetic with Morpheus 8, the micro needling Radio Frequency, to achieve an improved result with skin remodelling to remove any fine lines& wrinkles and maximum skin tightening effect.
This will be discussed with your doctor at your consultation.




60 mins




48-72 hours


Up to 10 years

Our Results

We promise the best results possible

Spider Veins Removal with Laser

Unwanted blood vessels, such as ruptured capillaries, capillary stars, dilated venous networks in the limbs, are an aesthetic problem for many people. The achievements in the field of laser technologies and the equipment we have at  Bellissimo Clinic solve this problem as efficiently, quickly and painlessly as possible.

Laser removal of capillaries and superficial blood vessels, unlike traditional methods used so far, proceeds without complications and damage to the integrity of the skin. Dealing with this problem requires, in addition to performing procedures of aesthetic nature and compliance with a certain motor regime, wearing compression stockings and in case of significant discomfort – consulting a specialist and further therapy.

The most effective method for removing capillaries on the body is the laser treatment with Nd YAG laser with the latest model of laser system with a light length of 1064nm. This laser successfully removes capillaries, ruptured micro blood vessels and hemangiomas on the body. The length of the laser light is 1064 nm and allows the treatment of deep capillaries. The unique latest generation laser allows you to choose the most appropriate wavelength and pulse duration, which minimizes the possibility of thermal damage and other side effects. In the laser treatment with Nd: YAG laser, a light pulse is delivered, the energy of which is absorbed by the hemoglobin of the blood. It is transformed into heat, causing blood coagulation and a kind of “welding” of the walls of the unwanted blood vessel, which leads to its destruction. Blood flow is redirected to veins located deeper below the surface of the skin.

The duration of the procedure depends on the number and density of the treated vessels. For stellate haemangiomas, the treatment takes seconds, but it takes longer to process multiple capillaries in the lower extremities.


Not required


15-30 mins







Medical facial cleansing

A deep cleansing facial is a treatment involving a 4 steps procedure that penetrates your skin deeply to remove the dirt and debris that accumulates in your pores. This treatment is the best solution to achieve a clear, radiant complexion. The treatment begins with a make remover or a cleansing gel, followed by a suitable peel (depending on the skin type). Then an oxygen steamer machine helps to open the pores and clean the sebum from the skin. After the extraction of blackheads and whiteheads, a calming mask is applied.

Throughout the facial cleansing, specific measures are taken to disinfect the skin, such as antiseptic and one use products.