Genital Warts (Condylomas) Removal

Warts are benign viral papillomas, characterized by the growth of layers of skin with an uneven and rough surface.

They affect both sexes, at any age and are widespread throughout the world. They are caused by human papillomaviruses (HPV) type 1-4, 26-29, 38, 41 and others.

Clinically, they can be single or multiple, and can be located in different parts of the body:

  • on hands, palms, feet (chicken thorn)
  • under the nail plate
  • face, eyelids
  • on the neck
  • on the mucous membrane of the mouth and the back of the tongue

Laser treatment of flat warts:

They are caused by HPV type 3. They are more common in adolescents and children, spread quickly to the face, neck and limbs. They are flat, round or oval in shape, slightly raised, with a smooth surface. Their color is pale brown, pale pink or yellowish. Rarely, self-healing may occur after months or years, and more often their number increases progressively.

Laser removal of acute warts (Condylomata acuminate)

They are an infection most often caused by HPV types 6 and 11, less commonly 16, 18, 42, occurring mainly in adulthood, on the genital mucosa and sometimes in the area of ​​the oral mucosa. Predisposing factors are inflammatory processes in the genital area, sexual intercourse and others.

Laser wart removal is a newer but proven method of treatment and its advantages are:

  • the procedure is painless, as it is performed after local anesthesia
  • the integrity of the skin is restored quickly
  • after the procedure no special care and sanitary measures are required, which allows us to immediately return to our normal daily life
  • achieving a faster final result
  • fewer doctor visits
  • the method is gentle and leaves no scars
  • can be done all year round

Spider Veins Removal with Laser

Unwanted blood vessels, such as ruptured capillaries, capillary stars, dilated venous networks in the limbs, are an aesthetic problem for many people. The achievements in the field of laser technologies and the equipment we have at  Bellissimo Clinic solve this problem as efficiently, quickly and painlessly as possible.

Laser removal of capillaries and superficial blood vessels, unlike traditional methods used so far, proceeds without complications and damage to the integrity of the skin. Dealing with this problem requires, in addition to performing procedures of aesthetic nature and compliance with a certain motor regime, wearing compression stockings and in case of significant discomfort – consulting a specialist and further therapy.

The most effective method for removing capillaries on the body is the laser treatment with Nd YAG laser with the latest model of laser system with a light length of 1064nm. This laser successfully removes capillaries, ruptured micro blood vessels and hemangiomas on the body. The length of the laser light is 1064 nm and allows the treatment of deep capillaries. The unique latest generation laser allows you to choose the most appropriate wavelength and pulse duration, which minimizes the possibility of thermal damage and other side effects. In the laser treatment with Nd: YAG laser, a light pulse is delivered, the energy of which is absorbed by the hemoglobin of the blood. It is transformed into heat, causing blood coagulation and a kind of “welding” of the walls of the unwanted blood vessel, which leads to its destruction. Blood flow is redirected to veins located deeper below the surface of the skin.

The duration of the procedure depends on the number and density of the treated vessels. For stellate haemangiomas, the treatment takes seconds, but it takes longer to process multiple capillaries in the lower extremities.


Not required


15-30 mins








Skin lesions could be a sign for a serious problem and it is extremely important to be monitored regularly.

When new (or observed changes in existing) skin formations, lesions, moles, melanoma, parasitic infections, psoriasis, nail diseases, scalp and skin changes, it is important that they be examined by a specialist. The purpose of the study is a thorough examination of the surface layers of the skin and the pigment formations on it. This procedure is called dermatoscopy.

Dermatoscopy is a non-invasive method for examining the upper layers of the skin, allowing a drastic increase in skin structures and more detailed observation than is possible with a simple eye examination. The dermatoscope consists of a magnifying glass that magnifies the image up to 10 times, a light source, a transparent plate, and sometimes a liquid medium between the instrument and the skin. This technique is useful in dermatological examinations to distinguish benign lesions, especially in the diagnosis of melanoma. Digital dermatoscopic images are stored and compared with images obtained during the next patient ‘s visit.

There are no risks for the patient during the examination and no special preparation is required for its implementation, except for the skin to be well cleansed. In many cases, this remains the only one method in diagnosing pigmented lesions and reduces the need for biopsy.

Recommended Age



30-60 mins



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We promise the best results possible

PRP Hair Loss Treatment

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment is the latest innovation against hair loss.

This method uses a special substance, taken from the patient’s blood, called platelet-rich plasma. This extract accelerates the body’s natural healing process and stimulates the rejuvenation and the regeneration of cells.

PRP Hair Loss Treatment is an innovative, natural, and absolutely safe method suitable for the prevention and treatment of hair loss in men and women. This is an autologous regenerative and regenerative hair follicle therapy that uses body ingredients and is just as effective against hair loss as it is as an additional therapy for hair transplantation.

PRP therapy helps with the activation of hair follicles.

The use of specific plasma cells “stimulates” the body to react in an intense but totally natural way against their hypofunction. In particular, the hair loss zone is nourished with activated cells that release proteins that act and facilitate the hair restoration process.

Multi-level action of PRP therapy


The application of PRP, in the early stages of hair thinning, prevents the loss of more hair and strengthens existing hair growth, renewing the “weak” hair follicles. Hair Loss Treatment: Even at more advanced thinning stages, PRP strengthens the metabolism of hair follicles and stops hair thinning, obstructing their hypofunction and activating the regeneration process.

Post-operative support:

The PRP method is applied before hair transplantation to reinforce the new hair follicles that will be placed in the host area, increasing the effectiveness of the result. It is also applied after transplantation on the donor side and in the area of implantation to improve the healing, to stabilize the application and to increase the aesthetic effect.

Recommended Age



30-60 mins

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We promise the best results possible