The therapy “Microneedling” is complete skin recovery. Improving the appearance of the dermis it is now possible without surgery. Microneedling therapy is a minimally invasive method to remove facial imperfections, reducing their appearance fine lines and wrinkles, by activating the regenerative processes in skin and stimulation of collagen formation.
Microneedling therapy makes the skin look fresh, glamorous and rejuvenated. The benefits of the intervention are many – imperfections such as acne scars and enlarged pores. In high quality microneedling therapy that we offer at Bellissimo clinic is used medical device with fine needles, creating a multitude small perforations on the skin. As a result, they are provoked regenerative processes and is stimulated collagen formation.Due to the microperforations, our skin more easily absorbs the useful substances for it, such as hyaluronic acid, vitamins and amino acids that restore its natural appearance. Due to its minimally invasive approach, microneedling therapy is not associated with discomfort. Impressive results it achieves include shrinking pores, remove acne scars, erase fine lines and lines, reducing pigmentation, tightening the skin and smoothing the complexion. The therapy is suitable for all ages group and each skin type. The procedure is fast, minimal uncomfortable and without a recovery period. The area is anesthetizes with local anesthesia in the form of a cream.

Recommended Age

30-60 mins
