FaceTite & NeckTite

Bellissimo Clinic offers Face-NeckTite™, the most advanced surgical facial contouring and skin tightening treatment. You will be treated by our well respected and highly experienced Plastic Surgeon, Dr.Jack Antoniou. The FaceTite™ treatment provides dramatic improvement in skin laxity and sagging on face and neck with usually only one treatment needed.

Areas can be treated effectively with FaceTite™:

  • Double Chin
  • Jawline contouring
  • Re-contouring the face and neck by removing excess fat
  • Tightening the neck skin for neck wrinkles and turkey neck
  • Improving fine lines and wrinkles

The FaceTite™ treatment is done under local anesthetic for patient comfort, is minimally invasive and takes about an hour

.A very fine cannula is inserted under the skin using the power of Bipolar radio frequency energy, this energy is used to heat underneath the skin and into the fatty tissue. Here the temperature is monitored by your doctor so you can achieve tighter, younger skin.

FaceTite™ results are similar to face or neck lift surgery, but without the need for major surgeries or scars to deal with. Results can be seen immediately, with best results noticeable at 6 months and  the results last similar to surgery which is up to 10 years.

Following the FaceTite™ procedure the skin itself can easily be treated while still numb from the anaesthetic with Morpheus 8, the micro needling Radio Frequency, to achieve an improved result with skin remodelling to remove any fine lines& wrinkles and maximum skin tightening effect.
This will be discussed with your doctor at your consultation.




60 mins




48-72 hours


Up to 10 years

Our Results

We promise the best results possible

Spider Veins Removal with Laser

Unwanted blood vessels, such as ruptured capillaries, capillary stars, dilated venous networks in the limbs, are an aesthetic problem for many people. The achievements in the field of laser technologies and the equipment we have at  Bellissimo Clinic solve this problem as efficiently, quickly and painlessly as possible.

Laser removal of capillaries and superficial blood vessels, unlike traditional methods used so far, proceeds without complications and damage to the integrity of the skin. Dealing with this problem requires, in addition to performing procedures of aesthetic nature and compliance with a certain motor regime, wearing compression stockings and in case of significant discomfort – consulting a specialist and further therapy.

The most effective method for removing capillaries on the body is the laser treatment with Nd YAG laser with the latest model of laser system with a light length of 1064nm. This laser successfully removes capillaries, ruptured micro blood vessels and hemangiomas on the body. The length of the laser light is 1064 nm and allows the treatment of deep capillaries. The unique latest generation laser allows you to choose the most appropriate wavelength and pulse duration, which minimizes the possibility of thermal damage and other side effects. In the laser treatment with Nd: YAG laser, a light pulse is delivered, the energy of which is absorbed by the hemoglobin of the blood. It is transformed into heat, causing blood coagulation and a kind of “welding” of the walls of the unwanted blood vessel, which leads to its destruction. Blood flow is redirected to veins located deeper below the surface of the skin.

The duration of the procedure depends on the number and density of the treated vessels. For stellate haemangiomas, the treatment takes seconds, but it takes longer to process multiple capillaries in the lower extremities.


Not required


15-30 mins







Medical facial cleansing

A deep cleansing facial is a treatment involving a 4 steps procedure that penetrates your skin deeply to remove the dirt and debris that accumulates in your pores. This treatment is the best solution to achieve a clear, radiant complexion. The treatment begins with a make remover or a cleansing gel, followed by a suitable peel (depending on the skin type). Then an oxygen steamer machine helps to open the pores and clean the sebum from the skin. After the extraction of blackheads and whiteheads, a calming mask is applied.

Throughout the facial cleansing, specific measures are taken to disinfect the skin, such as antiseptic and one use products.


In the machine method, the pigment is applied by vibration in the surface layer of the skin (epidermis). Thanks to the gel anesthetic, the procedure is painless and comfortable for the client.
Made with Goldeneye equipment and supplies. The company has been working in beauty for more than 25 years.

The main goals of micro pigmentation are to correct, accentuate, correct asymmetry, and give harmony. The areas to be worked on are eyes, eyebrows, and lips.

Lip micropigmentation

  • Changing the shape of the lips
  • Correcting asymmetry
  • Enhancing the color of the entire lips or just the contour. For the most natural result, the contour is slightly overflowed in the inner part of the lip, so that it does not look like a line
  • Optical increase of the volume of the lips – with this technique, a slight enlargement of the lips is also possible.

The procedure consists of 2 visits, for the best result, it is advisable to refresh it once a year.

Eye micropigmentation (eyeliner)

  • Optical correction of sunken corners of the eyes
  • The effect of thicker eyelashes is created
  • Optically smaller eyes are opened (enlarged)

The procedure consists of 2 visits; for the best result, it is advisable to refresh it once a year.

Micropigmentation of eyebrows

  • Restoring the eyebrows to their original shape, if they are very thin, short, rare, or in case of absence (alopecia)
  • Lifting effect, visually highlighting the eye and giving expressiveness to the look
  • Correction of asymmetric eyebrows, correction of color or shape.

Micropigmentation of eyebrows “powder effect” – you get more emphasized and expressive eyebrows, where only your natural hairs are visible, and the skin around them is “colored”. The procedure consists of 2 visits; for the best result, it is advisable to refresh it once a year.

Micropigmentation 3D eyebrows or hair by hair are drawn between your natural ones. The goal is natural-looking, thick and defined eyebrows.

The procedure consists of 2 visits; for the best result, it is advisable to refresh it once a year.

Differences between Microblading and Micropigmentation

  • Microblading is mainly suitable for normal skin. If your skin is more oily or dry, pigments lighten faster.
  • Micropigmentation is suitable for all skin types.
  • Micropigmentation, unlike micro blading, can be used not only for eyebrows but also for highlighting and coloring lips and eyeliner.
  • The durability of microblading is between 6 months and 1 year; with micro pigmentation, the effect lasts between 1 and 3 years
  • With microblading, the pigment penetrates the boundary between the epidermis and the dermis, and with micro pigmentation it is distributed in a controlled and uniform manner within the boundaries of the epidermis.

Recommended Age



60-120 mins



Our Results

We promise the best results possible

Eyelash lamination

Short-term eyelash curling, or the so-called eyelash lamination, is an effective and harmless procedure for human eyelashes.

Without requiring additional maintenance, this therapy
makes your eyelashes curl for 2 to 4 months. No liquids or adhesives remain after the procedure, and the eyes can be washed immediately after it.

Lamination is a coating of the cilia of the eyelashes with special products in a strict sequence. Each product has its specific task.

  1. The procedure gives the eyelashes a beautifully curved shape, even if the eyelashes are straight. Each eyelash
    will become smoother and shinier. In addition, they will receive a protective coating that will prevent the negative effects of external factors.
  2. The eyelashes will become thicker, stronger, more elastic, because among the components of the laminating ingredients there are many substances necessary for the health of the eyelashes: vitamins, amino acids, various oils, plant extracts, peptides, etc.
  3. Lamination allows for increasing the volume of the eyelashes by thickening each lash.
  4. If a pigment is also used in the lamination, the color lasts much longer than after ordinary dyeing because the keratin protective ingredients do not allow the pigment of the paint to wash off and fade.

The procedure is safe and gives a great and visible effect on your eyelashes.

Xanthelasma removal with PlexrPlus – Bellissimo Clinic

Breast augmentation

A breast lift is a frequently requested procedure.

The breast lift procedure is performed under general anesthesia. Duration 2 and a half hours. The number and size of the incisions are determined by the degree of sagging. In the majority of cases, the technique known as vertical mammaplasty is used, in which two incisions are made – one around the areola and one vertical, going down from the underside of the areola to the breast crease. In rare cases, with a high degree of ptosis, a third horizontal incision is made right along the breast crease. An “anchor” incision is obtained, but since more scars remain, it is not among the preferred ones and is used only when necessary. During the operation, the nipple and the areola are lifted and moved to a predetermined location. If necessary, areolas are reduced. The breast tissues are restructured, and the new, firmer appearance of the breast is formed. Excess skin is removed. The incisions are sutured, and aspiration drains are placed.

The achieved result is long-lasting. Over the years, under the influence of gravity, the breast tissue relaxes but does not return to its pre-surgery position. The degree of future sagging depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Sometime after the operation, the breasts will be swollen. Patients must wear a special elastic bra around the clock for the first two months. Moderate post-operative pain is possible, which is quickly relieved by ordinary painkillers. Most patients can return to work after one week, but it takes 2-3 weeks for the discomfort and feeling of tightness in the breasts to disappear. Breastfeeding is possible after the operation.

Immediately after the intervention, heavy lifting and stretching should be avoided for about a month after the operation until the breast tissues have recovered. During the first months, the scars should not be exposed to the sun or solarium, so they do not become pigmented.

Our Results

We promise the best results possible

Breast reduction

The breast reduction procedure is very complex, as it includes both breast volume reduction and breast shaping and lifting. The surgery also successfully corrects asymmetry in the volume of the breasts. The result is a body-proportioned, good-looking bust. The operation is sought both for aesthetic reasons and medical indications – back pain and strain can lead to future problems with the spine.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. Duration is 3-3.5 hours. Due to the large size of the breast, an operative technique requires making three incisions – one around the areola, one vertical, descending from the underside to the breast crease, and one horizontal, passing along the breast crease. An “anchor” cut is obtained. During the operation, the nipple and the areola are lifted and moved to a predetermined location. Areolas are reduced. Skin, subcutaneous tissue, and glands are removed and the new, tighter appearance of the breast is formed. The incisions are sutured, and aspiration drains are placed. In Gigantomastia /huge bust/ the areolas must be moved a very long distance, which requires them to be separated from the underlying tissue as a free transplant and grafted to the new location.

Unlike all other plastic surgeries, with breast reduction, the benefit is not only aesthetic – patients also get physical relief from their previous symptoms such as the neck, back, and shoulder pain or frequent headaches. The result is definitive, as, over time, the breasts can only lose part of their shape and slightly relax under the influence of gravity. Wearing a bra regularly can significantly slow down this process. Sometime after the operation, the breasts will be swollen. Patients must wear a special elastic bra around the clock for the first two months. Moderate post-operative pain is possible, which is quickly relieved by ordinary painkillers. Most patients can return to work after one week, but it takes 2-3 weeks,

Immediately after the intervention, heavy lifting and stretching should be avoided for about a month after the operation until the swelling has completely subsided and the breast tissues have recovered. During the first months, the scars should not be exposed to the sun or solarium, so they do not become pigmented.


The procedure aims to correct the increasingly common male problem associated with increased breast size - gynecomastia.

The operation reduces the so-called female-type breasts to normal male sizes. The problem with the increased size of male breasts can be due to accumulated fatty tissue, as a result of gaining weight, or an increased amount of glandular tissue, which is genetically determined in some men. Usually, in such cases, men are ashamed of the appearance of their breasts and hide them. This problem is completely solvable with surgery and helps men regain their self-confidence.

Before the intervention, you must go through a consultation with our specialist, with whom you can comment on the results you want and how achievable they are. You will be shown where the incisions will be made, and the operative technique will be explained to you. You will be informed about the recovery period and the possible risks and complications related to the upcoming procedure. You will receive instructions on what to do before the operation and what tests you need.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. Duration is 1.5-2.5 hours. The location and size of the incisions are determined by the volume of tissue to be removed. Most often, an incision is made around the areola. For smaller breasts, it is enough to make a semicircle around the areola in its lower part. Excess breast tissue is removed through this incision. This is a typical case of correction in true gynecomastia. For larger breasts, when the volume of the breast is due to increased fatty tissue, the so-called pseudo gynecomastia, the operative technique is similar to that of female breast reduction. The incisions are around the areola and vertically downwards; in some cases, an incision is also made under the breast. Excess tissue and skin are removed. After the operation, drains are placed, the incisions are sutured, and a surgical dressing is placed over them. The breast is secured with a bandage to hold the skin in place. In rare cases, when the breast enlargement is small and is due only to accumulated fat, the problem can be corrected with liposuction.

After the operation, the breasts are of normal size for men and are proportional to the body. The result is extremely durable, and only gaining a lot of extra pounds and accumulating fat in the chest can spoil the effect. That is why the patient must take care of his figure by exercising and following a proper diet. Postoperative pains are quite moderate and respond well to ordinary painkillers. A special adhesive elastic bandage (tonoplast) is worn for the first week, and an elastic bandage for another two weeks. After 4-5 days, the patient can return to work. About a month is needed for a full recovery and the disappearance of discomfort.


Lipofilling is a procedure where one's own fat tissue is used to add volume and sculpt different parts of the human body.

It is most often used to rejuvenate the face – the nasolabial folds are filled and smoothed, and the cheekbones and cheeks are given volume. Lipofilling is the safest method for filling in hollows under the eyes. It is also a great method for lip augmentation. It is also used to correct irregularities due to liposuction, in breast reconstruction, to rejuvenate the palms of the hands, etc.

The procedure is suitable for all men and women who want to improve their appearance. By adding volume where needed, a natural and excellent result is achieved. The procedure is widely used and practically has no upper age limit. An important condition is that the patient is not too thin; that is, there is enough fat tissue to be transferred to the desired area.

The duration is between 1.5 and 3 hours, depending on the volume of fat tissue that needs to be transferred. The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia. It starts by taking adipose tissue, most often from the abdomen or thighs. This is done by making a small incision in the previously anesthetized donor site, and with the help of a fine cannula, the necessary amount of fat tissue is extracted. The fat tissue is then purified and injected into the desired area with the help of another cannula.

*The type of cannulas used is very important for the final result since it largely depends on the so-called “survival” of the injected fatty tissue, i.e., the final volume that will permanently remain in the new location.

Lipofilling is a very gentle procedure with excellent results. A great advantage of the procedure is that the patient’s fat tissue is used – thus, rejuvenation takes place naturally, and the risk of an allergic reaction is completely avoided. From the injected fat tissue, after 1.5-2 months, up to 30%-50% remain permanently. The procedure can be applied repeatedly until the desired effect is achieved. The recovery period depends mainly on the patient’s age and health. Most people return to work as early as the second day when the initial swelling and possible redness have passed.