The area around the eyes reveals our age and emotional state more strongly than any other area of the face. With age and sometimes at an earlier stage, volume is lost under the eyes. It forms dark circles in the area. The sunken may be in the entire area eyes or be most visible in the area near the nose. This creates a tired look on the face.
The same happens in the presence of “bags” under the eyes.
Hyaluronic acid fillers
Hyaluronic acid fillers are the best method for correcting sunken eyes, filling the valley of tears, and correcting bags under the eyes. In the eye area are specially designed fillers with the body’s natural hyaluronic acid that do not create excess volume. Properly injected will lead to fresh and young look of this area, as well as the whole face. The fillers are inserted by pricking after preliminary anesthesia of the area with an anesthetic cream. Durability depends on the product used and is around 6-12 months.
Before the intervention, you should have a consultation with our specialist and discuss if this procedure is the best option to adjust this area. The procedure takes about 20 minutes.

Recommended Age

20 mins

6-12 months